Election: How to do an absentee ballot

It’s time to vote. Even if you are away from home or can’t make it to the polls on Election Day, you can still vote using an absentee ballot. Here’s how:


1) Register to vote.

Are you registered? If not, use the vote.org form attached here to register online either in your home state or in the state of Florida.

2) Request an Absentee Ballot.

– What is an absentee ballot?

An absentee ballot is a form completed and mailed in advance of an election by a voter who cannot be present at the polls on Election Day.


– Who gets an absentee ballot?

College students, people traveling outside of the country, people living temporarily at addresses that are not near where they are registered, among others.


– How can I get mine?

Use the vote.org form attached here to request a ballot online.

3) Receive the Ballot.

– When do I get it?

The process is different for each state. The instructions will be included when you request and receive your ballot. For example, if you register in Florida, your absentee ballot must be requested by Wednesday, November 2nd.


4) Fill out the Ballot.

– You will receive instructions, the ballot and an envelope in the mail to send the ballot back once it is filled out.


5) Send it back!

Place it in the given envelope and send it back by the date given when you requested and received your ballot. For example in Florida, your absentee ballot must be returned by Election Day: Tuesday, November 8.
Happy voting!