Netflix to bring ‘The Legend of Zelda’ to small screens

Featured image courtesy CubanRefugee via Flickr.

Netflix is known as a source for nostalgia with its broad selection of childhood favorites. Now, Netflix promises to be even more of a “link” to the past with plans to create a television adaptation of “The Legend of Zelda.”

Earlier this month, The Wall Street Journal reported that Netflix would collaborate with Nintendo to create a TV series based on the classic video game. This adaptation would bring courageous Link to life, following his quest to defeat the evil Ganondorf in order to rescue the beautiful Princess Zelda and her kingdom from darkness.

“My very first and favorite ‘Legend of Zelda’ memory was when I was barely five years old,” recalled Brianna Allen, a University of Miami alumna who was a member of the Video Games Club. “My cousin let me play for a bit, and I made Link ride Epona through an open field in ‘Ocarina of Time.’ That small moment was so enchanting, and I’ve been interested in the series since.”

Members like sophomore Nikhil Delahaye were excited to hear about the announcement, especially because Netflix will produce it.

“It has the potential to be good,” Delahaye said. “Netflix doesn’t really have their own original fantasy series right now, so they can really corner a market.”

At the same time, members have seen television adaptations of the video game before, with the 1989 animated series. The series left a lot to be desired, according to alumnus John Stevenson.

“When I was a child, I watched it a lot and enjoyed it then, but looking back … some of the dialogue doesn’t make any sense,” Stevenson said.

Still, members of the club keep their hopes high. The Wall Street Journal called the adaptation a family-friendly version of “Game of Thrones.” Focusing on character development, “Game of Thrones” is a popular series. Delahaye hopes to see a fan base of similar size grow after Netflix airs “The Legend of Zelda.”

“It’s a fantastical setting, but it’s carried by its characters and writing,” he said. “You can have as fantastic a setting as you want, but if the characters are solid and good, it makes the show that much better.”

Freshman Jack Williams and other members of the club hope to see an original plotline, not based on the plots of the video games.

“Maybe just take loose ideas from them, but try to make the show its own thing,” he said. “If they make an original story and it is good, Nintendo can make a video game out of it, and that would be another way for them to make a lot of money.”

An original plot line would also allow the directors, actors and writers more flexibility with characters, an important aspect considering Link is almost completely silent during the games.

Although Video Games Club members think Netflix will do a good job with its adaptation of “The Legend of Zelda,” members like freshman Zack Di Lello recognize the difficulty of translating a video game to television.

“When you’re in a video game, you don’t want the main character to have a ton of personality, because it lets the player reflect their personality onto them. Whereas in a TV show, you can identify with a character, but to identify with them they need to have a personality,” Di Lello said.



What: Video Games Club meetings

When: 6 p.m. every Friday

Where: Dooly Memorial Room 110

> They will have a Super Smash Bros. Melee Tournament from noon to 6 p.m. March 21 in the StormSurge room in the University Center.

Featured image courtesy CubanRefugee via Flickr.