Dear V: I’m trying to avoid the chub…


I’m a freshman and I don’t know how to avoid the “freshman 15.” I’ve been trying to go to the gym on a regular basis, but between classes, extracurriculars and studying, I don’t seem to have much time. And it’s hard to resist the carby foods in the dining hall. 

How do I get through my freshman year without turning into a beluga whale? 


Ugly Betty


Dear Peggy Olson,

I’m not much of an energizer bunny myself. When I go to the gym I just walk around in my yoga pants and pink sneakers and wait for a cute boy to compliment my ponytail … think Cher Horowitz in “Clueless.” That being said, I try to watch what I eat as closely as I can.

No one is forcing you to go to Zumba every week or conquer Jacob’s Ladder. Two-a-days are reserved for football players, and frankly, if you’re eating the way I think you’re eating, you’re going to be way too pregnant with that food baby to even leave your dorm.

You should make time in your schedule to be active. You’re a freshman, which means you’re not that busy yet. You just got here you have nothing to do but go to class, study and sleep – and don’t try to pull the “I’m an engineering major” bulls#!* because everyone knows your first year is chock-full of electives and gen-eds.

I mean to say this very loudly and clearly – put down the muffin and walk away. It’s not doing anyone any good to see you wear sweatpants because that’s all that fits you right now.

You can only wear jeans or track pants once a week.