Academic calendar and vital apps for the semester

Spring 2013 Academic Calendar

Wednesday: Last day to add a course

Jan. 30 – Last day to drop a course without receiving a “W”

Feb. 27 – Academic Alerts sent out

March 8 – Last day to apply for graduation

March 29 – Last day to drop a course for spring 2013

April 8 – Online registration begins for summer and fall 2013

May 1-8 – Final exams period

May 9-10 – Spring commencement exercises

Apps for the Spring Semester

Academic success is only a free download away, with these top educational and productivity applications for the spring semester.

iTunes U

Access complete courses offered by leading universities in a wide array of subjects, from biology to Spanish. The iTunes U app lets you see all assignments from your instructor, take notes and highlight text in iBooks, and play audio and video lectures.


Study for your next exam by making mobile flash cards with this app, or accessing millions of pre-made flash cards in Quizlet’s database. Choose the study mode that fits your learning style best, and verify word pronunciation with audio in nearly 20 languages.

Google Drive

Google gives you 5 GB of free space to store documents, spreadsheets, photos, music and other files. With the ability to easily share the files with others, Google Drive makes it easy to collaborate on group projects with classmates.

GRE by

Students who are stressed out about graduate school applications and taking the GRE can memorize the most common vocabulary words by playing addicting games focused on word meanings, antonyms and sentence completion.

Google Translate

Linguists looking to master modern languages can use the Google Translate application to translate words and phrases between more than 60 languages. It even allows you to speak the text and head the translations spoken aloud.


Stay up-to-date on the latest news, but only the news you want to know about. Flipboard is like a personalized news magazine filled with links being shared across the Internet, based on the topics that interest you most. It also lets you flip through your social network feeds.