Journalism class learns how to integrate with business

According to a study conducted by University of Miami senior Crystal Evans and junior Sarah Hartnig, more than 90 percent of students on this campus participate in some kind of student organization. With nearly 300 student organizations now on campus, it is difficult for each group to get the coverage that they deserve.

As part of their final project for their entrepreneurial journalism in the digital age class, (CNJ 595) Evans and Hartnig, along with five other groups, presented their ideas on how to integrate journalism with modern technology in the form of a new business. The presentations took place on Monday at 5 p.m. in LC140 in front of a panel of judges.

Evans and Hartnig produced one of the class’s strongest business plans in the form of a blog that would cover underrepresented student organizations. The blog, which would be entitled “You at the U” would serve as “an alternative digital news site for University of Miami students.”

“You at the U” would rely heavily on user generated content in order to provide a more comprehensive coverage of student organizations.

“Students can provide “You at the U” with leads and news tips,” Hartnig explained during her presentation. “If we write stories about them, students will want to read them.”

In addition to an online blog “You at the U” would also have material available in print. Evans and Hartnig proposed that “You at the U” could produce a calendar that would encompass all major events for all student organizations.

Throughout the presentation, Evans and Hartnig stressed that “You at the U” would not serve as competition for existing on campus news sources.

“We don’t want to compete with the Hurricane,” the students said. “Instead, we would like to supplement it.”

Kristian Alwill may be contacted at