Love don’t cost a thing

Albert Einstein once said “gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.” Though this may very well be true, every Feb. 14 it’s as if cupid’s raindrops hail from the sky and pour down a flood of love-struck hysteria on all of mankind.

Valentine’s Day, one of the most hated yet beloved holidays in the world, is infamous for leaving lovers lost and confused. Nevertheless, that doesn’t stop millions of people from running out and spending their last dimes on that special valentine.

Fortunately, this February, fear not. When in doubt, always remember ladies first, and be unique! For instance, red roses and chocolates are somewhat typical and traditional, unless you two are still getting to know one another. For more veteran and experienced duos, dinner (like a moonlight beach picnic) and a movie will never really go out of style. Simple but big gestures also play a major role on a Valentine’s date including: soft romantic music (perhaps a favorite song), opening doors, genuine compliments and an “I love you” here and there is always a nice touch.

Jamie Stephens may be contacted at



Gift Guide
Define Your Valentine:
What do those gifts say about your sweetie?

  • Chocolates and roses: Traditional (Price Range: $5-30)
  • Movie/Concert/Sports event: Casual yet Fun (Price Range: $20-50)
  • Cologne or Perfume: Sweet yet Sensual (Price Range: $40-80)
  • Lingerie or Boxers: Intimate (Price Range: $20-50)
  • Dinner and/or Beach date: Romantic (Price Range: $40-60)
  • Jewelry (necklaces, watches, etc.): Committed (Price Range: $40-100)