Three strikes, you’re out: New loan key policy in residential colleges and apartment area

Students who fear financial penalties for losing their room keys can rest easy now that the loan key policy has been revised. Each resident will receive three “courtesy” loan key issuances per academic year at no charge.

Beginning with the fourth loan key issuance and each issuance thereafter, a service charge of $15 per loan key request will take effect. This policy applies to daytime desk staff hours, between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.

However, the policy differs during security staff hours, between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. During these hours, a loan key will not be issued. Instead, the resident’s room will be unlocked by a security supervisor in a process called the “lockout.” Each lockout performed results in a $15 overnight service charge regardless of the number of times the service is utilized.

This policy was passed after discussions with University of Miami Student Government, representatives from the Department of Residence Halls and students. Questions or concerns regarding this policy can be addressed by each dorm’s residence coordinator.