University Village: Masters of pillage

One year and four months ago, the first University Village residents moved into their humble abodes (emphasis on the humble). Though the quaint apartments were certainly a step up from the hotels that the residents had temporarily been living in (unless, of course, they were staying at the Biltmore), accommodations were far from luxurious.or complete.

Fast forward to the present. The good news is that we now have a parking garage (though its purpose is null since the construction covers all of the cars in dirt anyway, tempting passersby to write obscenities on windshields). Also, residents no longer have to trek halfway across campus to get their mail. Most recently, the computer lab was completed-and, yes, this is the same computer lab that was promised to be in place when residents first moved in. These are all HUGE improvements but, alas, many amenities are still in the works. And those that were completed (i.e. the roads) have been dug up and reverted to dirt. And rocks. And more dirt. Certainly making them the roads less traveled.

The convenience store? Thus far, it’s nothing but an empty room with built-in freezers. Plus, since the road construction began outside of it, workers haven’t been seen inside for weeks. So much for that frozen pizza party you were hoping to have next week.

The computer lab? Computers? Check. Printers? Not so much. What good is a computer lab as a substitute for Richter if you can’t print anything? It’s not. Plus, even if students were to try and get something done in the lab, the construction noises from outside (which begin promptly at 8am) would make it even more difficult.

Since UV implemented the rule that only upperclassmen can live in the apartments, one would think that they would be thoughtful enough to postpone construction until later in the day since most juniors and seniors don’t have 8 a.m. classes. Or 9 a.m. classes for that matter.

After the Department of Residence Halls took over University Village operations, there was a sliver of hope that things would be better; that operations would speed up and appliances would stop breaking weekly. Instead, the only noticeable change is that the rent went up $50. For what? Certainly not utilities since one or more shower/light bulb/phone outlet is broken on any given day. Probably construction costs.

Editorials represent the majority view of The Miami Hurricane editorial board.