Offbeat News

Baby as a weapon

Chytoria Graham of Erie, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and endangerment to a child’s welfare after swinging her four-week-old son to hit her boyfriend back in October 2006. Graham will undergo a psychological exam before her sentencing scheduled for May 8, and her charges carry a minimum of five years in prison. The infant, who suffered from a fractured skull has made a full recovery and is currently living with his grandparents along with his four other siblings.

The Green Party’s Bringing Sexy Back

People who want to do good for the earth and also do good for their partners can now bring pleasure to everyone by being “green” sex favors. Through you can buy everything from bamboo bed sheets to organic lubricant and “eco-undies.” Since shopping to save the planet is now trendy, having sex to clear your conscience is the ultimate show of being sexy and eco-friendly all at once. The U.S. company, Babeland which sells to Canadians via, just introduced an “Eco-Sexy Kit” featuring a phthalate-free vibrator, soy massage candle, a natural lubricant with no animal-testing or derivatives and condoms. Other ways of “greenwashing” the bedroom, according to TreeHugger and Greenpeace, include turning out the lights during love sessions, ensuring S&M paddles are made from sustainable harvested timber, using only organic massage oils and showering together to conserve water.

Compiled by Martamaria Gomez