Police Tip

Every month, 50-80% of all crime on campus involves the theft of unattended or unsecured property.

As you prepare for finals and spend an increased number of hours studying at the library, in study rooms, in your dorm room, or around campus, remember to watch you stuff. Keep your laptop, books, and other personal belongings either locked away or with you at all times. Unfortunately, the following situations have occurred in previous years: * A student leaves their laptop unattended for 5 minutes while they go get a drink or talk to their friend. When they return, their laptop is gone, and so is their 20 page term paper that is due the next day. * A student leaves their dorm room unlocked while they go take a 3 minute shower. When they return, their book bag is gone, and so is the text book and notes they need to study for tomorrow’s final. There is nothing worse than having a semester worth of class work stolen. If you leave you stuff somewhere, it needs to be locked. If you take your stuff with you, it needs to be with you at all times. Keep book bags, purses, laptops, etc. on the table or ground directly in front of you. Never leave property unattended for a “second.” Take a minute every so often to look around you and see what’s going on. A little effort to keep your property safe can save you lot of aggravation and stress. Further information on personal property safety is available at www.miami.edu/publicsafety or through the Crime Prevention Office at (305) 284-1105.