Pick up the paper every Friday to read the Public Safety call log and learn ways to protect yourself and your belongings.

Safety Tip of the Week:

How can I help a friend who is in a violent relationship?

 Tell your friend that you are worried. Listen to what s/he has to say without being judgmental.

 Suggest to your friend that s/he talk to a trusted third party whose opinion they respect. At UM, the Counseling Center is available for advice, and Lisa Boyle, the Social Worker at the Dean of Students Office is also always available. Her number is 8-5117.

 Remind your friend about all the good things in his/her life. Many people in abusive relationships are no longer able to see their own abilities and gifts.

 Call the police if you witness an assault and if the offense occurred in Coral Gables advise your friend to utilize the Victims Advocate at (305) 460-5471.

If you are a victim of a crime, call the Department of Public Safety at 305-284-6666 or if calling from a campus phone dial 8-6666.

*There were no crimes reported during the last week.