UMNEWS – Autism research unites UM and Vanderbilt

The Dan Marino Foundation announced a $1.2 million pledge over three years to the University of Miami and Vanderbilt University to develop the Marino Autism Research Institute (MARI).

This generous contribution will fund a “virtual institute,” the first of its kind in the nation, designed specifically to sponsor cross-university collaborative research and community outreach on autism.

Beginning in January 2006, the MARI interdisciplinary team will work in the areas of psychology, neuroscience, medicine and special education to develop cross-site research, clinical and training opportunities. This effort will promote highly innovative science through a unique research and service program involving the University of Miami Center for Autism and Related Disabilities and the TRIAD program of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development. The collaboration will serve the autism and scientific communities by emphasizing the use of cutting-edge methodologies to identify the causes of autism, and the development of creative, evidence-based treatments and support programs designed to improve the lives of children with autism and their families.