
As the semester winds down, homework, papers, projects and tests start to increase. Like most students, a coffee cup suddenly stays within a two-feet radius and the laptop never gets a break. To help alleviate any frustrations with the library’s search system or the loss of brain function to spell simple words, there is freedictionary.com.

Four dictionaries, a thesaurus, an encyclopedia, a literature reference library and a search engine all in one, freedictionary.com is a useful resource all year around. Powered by Farlex, the website not only provides users with access to an English dictionary-it has a medical, law and computer dictionary on hand as well.

Similar in design to other search engines such as Yahoo and Google, freedictionary.com is user friendly and visually simple. The website even goes so far as to provide users with a word of the day, article of the day, and facts and information about a historical figure’s birthday. Although the chances of renowned web fame are zilch for freedictionary.com, the website is a helpful resource. Who doesn’t need a little help in expanding their vocabulary, anyway?

Joanna Davila can be contacted at j.davila1@umiami.edu.