An anoying lack of common courtesy

The act of treating others with respect and consideration is not that hard. However, many people on this campus seem incapable of such kindness. Whether someone fails to acknowledge another person during conversation, closes a door on someone or makes inappropriate public displays of affection, all instances portray a lack of common courtesy.

Beginning from when a child can comprehend language, the terms “please” and “thank you” are instilled in their mind. However, it seems that people feel these words are no long necessary with age. For example, when I am working, people come to the desk with a rude, demanding and demeaning attitude. Do they forget that we are people, too? How can they have the audacity to ask a favor in such a rude way? Sometimes I just want to stare at them blankly until they show some form of politeness. They might be surprised to know that they would receive better service if they attached a “please” to the beginning of their request, and a “thank you” after the request was satisfied.

Moreover, unlike most of the male population, I am a firm believer in chivalry. Traditionally, it is courteous to hold a door open for a woman. However, this applies to men and women. It is not right for anyone to knowingly close the door on someone. A man could hold the door open for a man and a woman could hold the door open for a man or a woman. Gender roles are insignificant. It is simply being courteous to everyone. Consequently, it is rude to allow the elevator doors to close when a person is obviously heading towards the elevator. It would be polite to thank the person for holding the door. A simple “thanks” may incline the person to act courteous again.

Finally, PDAs-and I am not talking about palm pilots. People should realize that certain public displays of affection are inappropriate for the entire public to see.

Personally, I would rather not see people “making out” right outside of class or in the UC. It is simply inappropriate and you should get a room. I am not one to suggest the prohibition of public displays of affection. Holding hands and hugging are perfectly appropriate. You just have to know the time and a place to do such things.

Ultimately, the world would be a better place if its inhabitants were simply nicer. The more courteous a person is, the more courteous another person will want to be.

Justin Diamond can be contacted at