It’s a bird, it’s a plane…
Warner Bros. has announced that the new Superman will be played by once soap star Brandon James Routh. Production of the new Superman movie starts in 2005.

Bras and Boobs
Diamonds are yet another reason to stare at the bombshell supermodel known as Tyra Banks. The model has been sporting a 112-carat bra that features 2,900 diamonds set in white gold with a crowing 70-carat pear shaped diamond right in the center. As if her size C breasts weren’t enough.

Cold Pizza
ESPN’s weekly morning show Cold Pizza will be filming outside the UC this Friday, with guests Coach Larry Coker, Miami Athletic Director Paul Dee, Jesse Armsted and Heisman-winner Gino Torretta. The UC is place to be for sports fans. Plus you might get to be on TV – duh.