SG Senate election results

Patricia Cooper
Jonathan Levine
Kevin Tadeo Callo
Ryan Baehrle
Victor Cueto
Paty Escuder
Peter Groverman
Rishi Kapoor
Raneir Pollard
Rosie Miller
John Constantinide
Christopher Maranges
Paula Georg
Michael Tenen
Gabriel Trujillo
Billy Bludgus
Peter Maki
Gustavo Rearte
Michele James
Peter Gauthier
Laura Turano
Apartment Area Senator
Arts and Sciences Senator
Arts and Sciences Senator
Business Senator
Commuter North Senator
Commuter Central Senator
Commuter South Senator
Fraternity Row Senator
Freshman Senator
Freshman Senator
Hecht Senator
Junior Senator
Junior Senator
Pearson Senator
Eaton Senator
Senior Senator
Senior Senator
Sophomore Senator
Sophomore Senator
Mahoney Senator
Stanford Senator