Calling all Engineering students!

The Engineering Advisory Board [EAB] could be called UM’s student government specifically for engineers. Serving as the umbrella organization for all student organizations within the College of Engineering, each class from freshman to graduate as well as each engineering organization is represented by a delegate to the Engineering Advisory Board.

EAB is the student group that works to bring exciting programs and events to engineers and that works with COSO, SAFAC and other UM organizations to represent Engineering student interests. EAB sponsors and conducts events including beginning and end of year picnics, student study breaks during final exam week, and Homecoming events. Other University-wide events and community service projects are sponsored by EAB, including participation in the national celebration of Engineers Week.

EAB sponsors and conducts events including beginning and end of the year picnics, student study breaks during finals, and Homecoming events.

EAB’s impact is far-reaching for all engineering students. The board serves the College of Engineering as both a link between administration and students, as well as a means of communication and collaboration among all the other engineering organizations. Students can address their concerns to the dean’s office through EAB sponsored events such as the Dean’s Roundtable. It’s also the mission of EAB to support and promote engineering organizations in any capacity.

EAB also serves the Coral Gables community in many ways. Throughout the year, EAB participates and coordinates events such as Habitat for Humanity, Holiday Angels, and Make a Difference Day.

Each club as well as class has a delegate to the board, and all engineering students are automatically members. Students are encouraged to get involved with EAB to have their voices and interests heard. I

>> For more information, contact EAB Chair Chris Gratz at or email