EDITORIAL : The Presidents of the USA

Since 9/11/2001, America has been different, and obviously so has UM. We’ve seen terrorism, we’ve watched war, we’ve every one of us experienced some loss. The one person the world and the media seem to have consistently focused on is the 43rd President, George W. Bush. Whether you’re a fan or not, his decisions and opinions affect most foreign and domestic affairs-as have had many recent administrations (it’s the American way). Is this power, influence and sovereignty safe in the hands of just one person?

Maybe it is time for there be a reform to the office of leadership that was founded in a very different time, in a very distant constitution. George Washington had 13 former colonies to deal with-George W. Bush has 50 states, assorted territories, and a finger in almost every national pie.

Why did the original framers think it best to trust administrative command to only one soul? Why not convert the presidency into a council-a council for democracy’s sake? There could be five seats: independently elected from the nation (and territories) at large and selected on a “top 5” basis. A council of five presidents would make the chances of a woman or minority assuming office much more likely, also in the best interests of democracy.

And say goodbye to the two-party system! All candidates could campaign independent of party platform, pressure and sway: finally, presidential candidates with minds of their own.

To be fair, none of the presidents should have hierarchical privilege but all should maintain veto power over executive decisions. Then, administrative decisions can be dealt by consensus, agreement and consideration, rather than by any selfish motives.

The basic need for such a reform is that America is getting too big for one boss to handle. We could give the slacker president the night shift. The presidents could specialize in certain areas: one in foreign diplomacy, one in domestic affairs, on in health care, one in education, and the last one to cover up the scandals of the other four. Perfect!

Where would they live, you ask? The White House has very large lawns, and D.C. was originally designed to intimidate foreign dignitaries. Wouldn’t five White Houses on Pennsylvania Avenue scare a few French?

This would never happen in the near future. Women’s suffrage took 150 years; civil rights almost two centuries. America’s bound to be a decrepit old man by the time it gets its system of power figured out. Because despite the speed you’d think a democracy could work at, the nation never seems to adapt very fast at all to anything.