As if the world isn’t already crazy enough, a sect going by the name of “the Raelians” recently claimed to have successfully cloned a baby. Of course, the claim sent the media into a frenzy, but what doesn’t these days? For a brief fleeting moment, the Raelians had the curiosity of scientists, the damnation of religious fanatics, and the attention of Americans all at their command. Although the early reports were met with some skepticism, many truly believed that The Raelians had finally done what science fiction novels have warned us about for years. Unfortunately, there is one small problem.

To test the truth of the Raelians’ claim, scientists requested the right to perform DNA tests on the mother and the cloned baby but they refused citing a moral dilemma with performing a DNA test. Now, judging by their actions, the Raelians apparently expected the world to believe they had cloned a baby without providing any shred of scientific evidence to prove the baby was actually a clone.

This raises an important question: are they stupid for expecting us to believe their story, or are we stupid for still paying attention to them after their refusal to provide evidence? The informed reader will admit that the Raelians’ status doesn’t lend them credibility.

The Raelians expected everyone to believe they had absolutely no moral qualms with cloning a baby, but that they did have serious problems with performing a DNA test on that baby. Following that thought one step further, there is a word for a group of people that tells the world it has no problem with cloning humans, but feels that drawing blood and testing it is morally wrong. That word, as you may have guessed, is “liar.”

There are no two ways about it: these people are obviously lying. It is like playing a game of poker and claiming to have a royal flush, but refusing to show your cards because you feel it would violate them. Come on, the American people might not be the smartest in the world, but we know a scam when we see one. And the Raelians’ story smells fishier than the dumpster in back of Red Lobster.

The Raelians are not the only ones who deserve criticism, however. A great deal of the news media in America today will slobber over anything short of an actual circus, and the Raelians’ story is just another example of this. Don’t we have better things to do with our time? Yes, when the story first came out it deserved coverage, but at this point, can’t we just simply call their bluff and move on with our lives? We must not continue to add fuel to the raging fire of so-called “news.”