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Coral Gables
Thursday, April 25, 2024
April 25 , 2024

Define your own college experience

Time and time again, we are told that college will be the “best four years” of our lives. It is the only time that we will be able to live and learn with those both so alike and so different from ours...

POLL: Who is your favorite “Game of Thrones” character?

Season five of "Game of Thrones" premieres April 12, but the University of Miami will get a sneak peek. On Thursday, March 26, students can watch a pre-screening of the fifth season's first episode...

Letter to the editor: “New projects should be prioritized”

Your past issue’s opinion piece on two bridges planned for construction was misguided and inaccurate. The university Campus Planning and Development Department works very hard to prioritize constructi...

Letter to the editor: “UM traditions go beyond color”

It is said that every tradition starts with a new idea. All it takes is a group of people, or even one bold person, to start something from its infancy. Many of these ideas fizzle out over time due to...

Letter to the Editor: “Fashion Crimes Committed on Campus”

I was disappointed in the “Fashion Crimes Committed on Campus” article in the Feb. 2 edition of the Miami Hurricane. I can tell that the author/illustrator tried to include some diversity among the cu...

The Miami Hurricane