Dear V: My boyfriend’s taking ‘Zootopia’ too far

Dear V,

Lately, my boyfriend has become interested in “furries,” that is, the subculture of people who enjoy things like My Little Pony and erotic animal art.

At first, I thought he was just trying to freak me out. He joked about wanting to lick my feet the first time we hooked up, but it was clearly just a prank. I thought maybe this was a prank, too, but it’s been two months. He has an odd sense of humor, but even he wouldn’t put this much time and effort into a joke.

I tried to get over it, but then he asked me to wear cat ears and a stick-on tail in the bedroom. He even asked me to meow at him.

I don’t know what to do – we have a wonderful, happy relationship and he’s a sweet guy – but I can’t keep pretending this doesn’t bother me.

I might have to tell him to either ditch the fur or ditch me. What should I do?


Animals Are Cute, But Not Like That

Dear Animals Are Cute,

Are you sure the foot-licking thing was really a joke?

He might have been trying to get you into his fetishes for a long time, but has finally decided to be open about them. However, it’s possible that maybe fur is his only interest – and not feet, too.

Don’t knock it until you try it. Some people like being tied up and handcuffed, some people like … fuzz. Let’s keep an open mind here.

No, never mind. It’s weird. Maybe I’m “kink shaming.”

Anyway, if that’s what your guy is into, good for him for embracing the eccentric. But because you’re his girlfriend, you’ve got to either accept this newfound fetish, ask him to cut it out or even hit the road.

Don’t dump him just yet. Maybe he’s just trying it for a little bit, like that awkward emo phase we all had in middle school. Where do we draw the line between fuzzy outfits and tails – and purple hair dye and skinny jeans?

Hot Topic.

Try talking to him about it sometime when you’re not in bed together. He might understand you’re not feelin’ it and tone it down. Ask him to save his zoological studies for his personal free time.

Don’t feel pressured to do something you’re not comfortable with. While you should try to be as understanding as possible about his fetish, you should also expect him to understand if you’re not into it. If there’s not a mutual respect going both ways, it’s time to move on.

Try to talk it out before making any major decisions. Don’t just dump him without discussing it – and, please –don’t take him to see “Zootopia” on your next date.
