Focus on finding positive experiences

I’ve never been very good at saying goodbye, but as I sit here at my last deadline, I realize just how much I’m going to miss being here every Sunday and Wednesday.

My time at the Hurricane has been full of laughter, stress, an addiction to coffee and Diet Coke, and tight deadlines. I’ve learned how to write, edit, speak up and bite my tongue when necessary. I have changed my Starbucks order a total of 15 times since I started here to accommodate the burning desire for more caffeine and have always ended back up at a venti passion tea, unsweetened with no water … go figure.

But most importantly, I’ve learned more from the students with whom I’ve shared these experiences than I ever expected to, and I hope I’ve helped shape their time here as much as they did mine.

I don’t know who I would be without the people I’ve met and worked with at UM, and I thank each person that has had a part in my experiences for pushing me to be better.

So to all of you that are fortunate enough to have more time here – take advantage of it. This is the time to try things out and make mistakes.

Some talk of their legacy at this university – what they will do to leave a mark on UM. I think the way we do that is by focusing on the experiences we have and the friends we make. Take the time to be creative and explore different aspects of your career. Do the things that make you happy and the rest will follow.

I can’t fully articulate how much I’m going to miss this place, but be that as it may, I think it’s time for all us seniors to accept defeat, grab hold of that diploma and take our first steps into that big, scary place they call “the real world.”

Erika Glass is graduating with a major in broadcast journalism.