Inebriation & Gluttony: Caffeine Highs!

With the last week of classes and finals week approaching, I figured this was an appropriate post. Personally, I have all my papers and projects due next week and am making caffeine my new lover until this mess is done with. Then I can shrivel up and die with withdrawal as I welcome summer break with open arms.

Caffeine may seem like a great “drug” to some students, but BE WARNED! Drinking too much caffeine is a health risk! According to the chart below, 250-500 mg of caffeine, or anything less than a tall fresh filter coffee at Starbucks, can cause an overdose. Overdosing symptoms include the jitters you might feel, and the worst case scenario of sudden death via cardiac arrest. Remember that caffeine stays in your body for four hours, so try to moderate yourself. Other adverse symptoms include insomnia (I had a huge cup of concentrated Dominican coffee and couldn’t sleep for over 24 hours … hardest crash afterward), peeing a lot (caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it causes you to pee, not have diarrhea), and yes … pooping (caffeine accelerates digestion, so it’s almost like food goes in one way and out the other in no time).

The following infographics deal with CAFFEINE FACTS, like how much caffeine is in certain common drinks. So if you just need to stay awake those few extra hours instead of all night long, this chart might come in handy. It also lists the calories, which is kind of a big deal to some.

Getting your caffeine fix in the office
Produced by Consultant Services Group and Life In The Office Blog.

Stay jittery, my friends. Happy eating!