News Briefs 9/19

SG Elections

Student Government Elections will be held Monday through Wednesday in the UC Breezeway from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students will be voting on the following seats:

-Freshman Class Senators

-Sophomore Class Senators

-Junior Class Senators

-Senior Class Senators

-Eaton Residential College Senator

-Hecht Residential College Senator

-Stanford Residential College Senator

-Mahoney Residential College Senator

-Pearson Residential College Senator

-Commuter Senators

-University Village Senator

-Fraternity Row Senator

-College of Arts and Science Senators

-Frost School of Music Senator

-School of Business Senator

-School of Communication Senator

-School of Education Senator

-School of Nursing & Health Science Senator

Study Abroad Fair

Students interested in studying abroad can receive information from administrators, professors and past participants at the annual fair on Wednesday. The event will be held in the UC’s lower lounge from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Discover where and when you can go, and how your current financial aid package and UM scholarships can be used. Students of all majors welcome.

Networking event 

Network with members of the Woodson Williams Marshall Association, an organization that serves as vital resources for black students, and promotes the retention of black faculty and administrators at the school. Dinner will be provided at the event. If interested, call 305-284-2855 for any questions or to RSVP. For more information, email

Chelsea Kimmey may be contacted at