Freshmen, don’t stop believin’

So you’re finally in Miami, and it’s hot as hell.

Don’t panic. The heat will subside and so will the grace period of getting familiar with new surroundings and people.

A lot of freshmen are extremely outgoing in the beginning of the semester and quickly lose energy, but don’t let that fizzle.

If you’re on a floor with what seem like a bunch of tools, do not be quick to judge and if they really are tools, cut your losses and join other social outlets where you can shine.

Nobody said you had to solely hang out with people on your floor just because they are readily available.

Kill off idealistic expectations; nothing is as it seems in the movies.  You aren’t going to become the boss of South Beach after dabbling in the night scene once or twice, nor are you magically going to win over the hearts of the opposite sex.

You’ve worked hard to get here, so there’s no reason to think that things will fall in your lap without some effort.

And if things aren’t going swimmingly upon your arrival, allow time to elapse before passing judgment. Don’t be too hard on yourself if it appears everyone is ecstatic and you aren’t.

Just remember, college is the best time to meet interesting people, learn a thing or two about the world and reflect.

Evan Seaman is a senior majoring in marketing. He may be contacted at