For University of Miami students, by UM students

This past semester, QuantUM Entertainment, a student-run theater group, brought three new plays to the University of Miami free of charge.
The organization, part of Hurricane Productions, puts on several plays and musicals throughout the year, and students are in charge of every aspect of each show.
“All positions- designers, crew, actors, directors and producers- are students,” said Joanna Lamb, vice chair of QuantUM. “Students who participate in QuantUM can come from any major, and there are no prerequisites for participation.”
Technical director Katie Sikora is the perfect example.
“I was a theater nerd in middle school and high school and didn’t have that outlet when I got to college as a marine affairs and visual journalism double major,” Sikora said. “So my second semester of freshman year, one of my friends put me on the listserv for QuantUM, and I ended up as co-producer of the last two productions of the spring semester.”
“Songs for a New World” went off without a hitch  during the month of February at the School of Communication Courtyard. “Fat Men in Skirts” took the stage in mid-April and “Ben” to conclude the semester.
In the musical “Songs for a New World,” which features works written by composer Jason Robert Brown, a variety of unique characters are linked by one common theme.
Lamb felt very passionate about the showing of this musical at UM.
“I think this show is especially relevant for college students because it addresses the pivotal moments in life when one decision can change everything,” Lamb said. “Everyone who comes to the show may take a different message away from it, but I know that everyone will enjoy the beautiful music and phenomenal acting of our great cast.”
Lamb also said that this was a show that most UM students had never seen before, and was excited to bring something new to  UM.
“Since those working on the show are entirely students, the shows themselves are always fresh and innovative because it is your fellow students with the vision,” QuantUM treasurer Kathleen Molinaro said.
Best of all, shows are free for UM students, faculty and staff.
“Our shows are free because our funding comes from the student activity fees that every student pays,” Lamb said. “If you come to a QuantUM event, you’re getting use out of your own student activity fee!”

Brooke Burgstahler may be contacted at