Student Government Briefs

Attendance policy changes considered
A bill to recommend the standardization of the attendance policy of the University of Miami administration was tabled by Student Government yesterday.

This means that SG will work with the administration over the summer and try to come up with a mutually acceptable bill that will be voted on in the fall.

Currently, excused illness and make-up work are left to the instructor’s discretion.

“This is an effort to make things as equal as possible,” said Kelly Fitzpatrick, a sophomore and the university affairs committee chair. “Why should a student in Arts and Sciences be able to make up work for being absent in a class while a student in a different school does not get that option.”

Members of SG researched other ACC, private and Florida colleges to see their policies on attendance.

“In general, most schools are more explicit on their policies,” Fitzpatrick said. “Florida public schools are much more uniform as they are mandated by laws.”

Swine Flu
Patricia Whitely, the vice president for Student Affairs, visited SG yesterday and discussed the swine flu. She said that resident advisers have been give hand sanitizer to distribute to students. Commuter students can get bottles of Purell at the University Center.

Additionally, the health center will be open seven days a week.