Turnout for senior yearbook photos lowest yet

The University of Miami’s Ibis Yearbook is facing an unprecedented low turnout for senior photo sign-ups, while having the largest turnout of underclassmen sign-ups since underclassmen pictures were reintroduced to the book six years ago.

“I do not know why there is such a low turnout among seniors,” said Randy Stano, the faculty advisor for the Ibis Yearbook. “It might be because seniors do not want to think about graduation until the spring and think they can get this picture taken later.”

Next week might be the last time to take pictures. Approximately 300 slots are currently available for next week. The photographer will not take pictures during an additional week unless 90 percent of this approaching week’s slots are filled.

The number of seniors who signed up for yearbook pictures is half that of previous years, with 310 seniors. In the past, there are usually between 650 to 700 seniors to have signed up at this time of the year. Overall, the yearbook usually gets around 900 to 11,000 senior portraits in their book.

There will be over 1,500 undergraduate pictures, which is more than the yearbook anticipated. This could be partially due to the addition of new marketing tactics, including the use of LISTSERVS, table tents, banners and flyers on every floor in the dormitories to notify students about the opportunity to get their pictures taken.

How to take a yearbook picture

Sign up for your yearbook picture in the UC Lower Lounge, Feb 2 -Feb 6, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Underclassmen: No appointment or fee

Seniors: Make an appointment at ibisyearbook.com. Seniors will be charged a $25 fee.