Can a long distance relationship work?

    Dear V,

    I met this guy through a friend. We totally and completely hit it off. I have never felt so in sync with anyone before. We exchanged numbers and have been having really great and really long telephone conversations ever since. There is one problem. He doesn’t live here. He goes to school out of state. We’ve talked about turning our connection into a relationship, but I don’t know if I can do a long distance relationship. He is all for a relationship, but I’m afraid of committing myself to someone who lives so far away because of the distance. My friends all think that I shouldn’t get myself involved with someone who lives across the country, but still, I don’t know if I might be missing out on something if I don’t take him up on the offer.

    So Far Away

    Dear Reader,

    I understand that your options, like all of those attached to personal dilemmas, have both pros and cons that can somehow manage to muddle your understanding of what you really want.

    On one hand, if you decide to commit to a long distance relationship with this guy you might be missing out on other, near by, romantic opportunities. On the other hand, if you decide to not embrace a full-fledged relationship with this guy, you might be missing out on something really big; you said that you have never felt such a strong connection with anyone before in your life, and I’m trusting that you know yourself well. I also happen to be a big believer in fate, however, and I am all for taking a risk, so really, why not? Believe me, I know what slim pickings we’ve got down here.

    Do you think that it might be possible to meet him somewhere in the middle through some sort of complicated arrangement? Perhaps you could attempt the dreaded “open relationship,” if you believe in that kind of thing. From what I can grasp, in an open relationship, one has the option of dating around, but at the end of the day, he or she is still committed to that one special someone.

    Hey, lots of people have managed to make it work for them, and I’m pretty sure there are several variations of the open relationship from which to choose. Of course, you two could also agree to put your connection on the back burner for now, and wait and come back to it at a later date or better locale if that feels more right to you. These things usually manage to work themselves out.

    Best of Luck!


    Fact O’ the Day.Strangely enough, a woman is more than likely to select shorter dresses and wear higher heels when she is ovulating than at any other point of the menstrual cycle.

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