Kudos to ABC for exposing the issue of gay adoptions

There has been some controversy lately over ABC’s recent Diane Sawyer interview with talk show host Rosie O’Donnell. You know, the one where she finally “came out,” while simultaneously advocating her obvious pro-stance on gay-couple adoption rights, since she is indeed a gay parent.

The interview has been called everything from an infomercial on gay adoption to a revealing celebrity confession, to propaganda. The media have also come under fire, as they have been accused of agenda-setting. I don’t disagree in the slightest.

Here’s why. If you look at why O’Donnell even agreed to do the interview in the first place (so ABC would run a story on gay adoption rights in Florida, where O’Donnell lives) and the surprising lack of coverage on the other side of the debate, it’s pretty clear what ABC had in mind: to suck up to O’Donnell and gay-rights lobbyists.

But I am not here to bash ABC. Rather, I am here to applaud them. At least they are covering an issue that has significant relevance in today’s society, whether it was biased or not. And at least they’re making an attempt to take a stance of some kind on such a hot-button topic that everyone seems to be afraid to discuss. You can chalk that up to bad journalism or propaganda or whatever, but the fact remains it is exposure the issue demands.

Regardless of what anybody thinks, gay adoptions are happening and it is in our faces, and people need to accept that.

Now I can’t talk about the media’s coverage of this issue without adding my own two cents about the matter itself. In response to these so-called credible scientific, legal and religious arguments against gay adoptions that seems to have everyone in a tizzy, I say show me some proof. I mean, come on, besides the ancient, lame excuses of “because God says homosexuality is wrong,” “gay marriages shouldn’t be allowed,” or “the children will grow up to be wrong in some way,” I want to see some believable evidence on how this type of adoption poses any threat to our society.

Granted, these are my personal feelings, but really, how stupid can one be? Do people actually think that it’s a choice and that it might rub off on the kid eventually? Do people think that homosexuals are any less caring or compassionate or human than those who are straight? Have these people ever even met a gay person? Not likely.

The wound-up traditional groups in this country need to drop their ridiculous pretenses and remember their humanity. At least these unfortunate kids have more choices for a home, and that should be the thing that matters most.

I hope ABC gets a positive response about this or at least, has ruffled some feathers. Everyone probably does not agree with me, and frankly I don’t care, but I think it’s unanimous that one major media outlet has finally grown a pair. Propaganda be damned, at least now the issue is getting the attention it deserves.

Derek Bramble is a junior majoring in broadcast journalism and theater.