The Truth Will Always Win Out

We ended our Oct. 9 editorial regarding the theft of 9,000 issues of the Hurricane four days earlier with those words.

And despite attempts by others to continually cloud the issue and distort the facts, the truth did, indeed, win out.

Two members of the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity have been suspended and a third put on probation as a result of a University investigation into the theft. As we have noted before, the theft was a deliberate attempt to rob us of our right to publish the news and your basic right to be kept informed.

We believe the University’s investigation was thorough and the penalties handed down were just. There can be no compromises when it comes to dealing with those who seek to deny anyone their rights.

We applaud the university administration for its zero tolerance decision.

Let these penalties handed down serve as a warning and a deterrent to others to never attempt this sort of thing again.

We also hope it will put to rest the sometimes bitter and decisive debate over the theft of the papers. It no longer serves any useful or constructive purpose. It’s time to move on.

For in the final analysis, the truth has won out.